الدكتورة فاطمة الطرابلسي
سيرة ذاتية
Dr. Fatma Trabelsi is a Teacher-Researcher with over 16 years’ experience as a groundwater scientist and environmental consultant. She have broad experience, with expertise in the field of water management, especially in the areas of hydrogeology, hydro-geophysics, and use of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistical tools and learning models for groundwater resources assessment, groundwater flow, and contaminant transport modeling contamination.
She have significant project management experience and have served as the principal coordinator of international projects in the fields of Research & Development and in the capacity building of higher education (PEER_NAS_USAID, EU_PRIMA, EU_ERASMUS+, EU_ENI CBC MED, Korea Tunisia technical cooperation, India Tunisia bilateral cooperation, KAFACI…).
She have authored more than 55 publications between papers and oral communications, peer-reviewed journal articles, and book chapters concerning groundwater seawater intrusion, delineation of groundwater recharge zones, vulnerability mapping… She is member of Tunisian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH.